Some studies show that illiquid assets make up approximately 55% of the portfolios of high-net-worth individuals. These assets could represent an initial source of a family’s wealth or an important part of the family’s history. When these assets are placed in trust to...
America’s baby boomers are living decades longer than previous generations. However, that longevity comes with challenges as seniors age. From increasing health concerns to the heightened need for financial safeguards, it is imperative that older Americans...
Working with a trustee to administer a trust and preserve family wealth should be a streamlined process; however, that’s not always the case. From large, impersonal corporate banks to an inexperienced individual, the wrong trustee can make trust administration...
As a financial advisor, your role commonly extends into areas of your client’s lives beyond financial returns, especially among high-net-worth families. You may find yourself serving as a voice on legacy and the future. You might also field questions about the...
The Complexities of Estate Planning Estate planning and trust administration can be complex and challenging, especially when considering the assets of high-net-worth clients. There are so many things to consider when addressing your client’s unique needs and...